RESEARCHING critical agroecosystem processes and properties across scales using small-scale plot experiments, satellite remote sensing data, and hierarchical statistical models.

Our research can be broadly outlined as follows:



How do we monitor agroecosystem productivity and quantify contribution to ecosystem services at management-relevant spatial scales?

We combine satellite remote sensing data and ecosystem models using hierarchical Bayesian statistics.



How does pasture management impact productivity and yields, as well as critical ecosystem processes and services like soil carbon sequestration?

We study a variety of practical management options - like incorporation of legumes into warm-season pasture - using rigorous field plot experiments, both short and long-term.


How does exposure to climate stressors like drought and high temperatures impact agricultural productivity, and modulate plant defenses against secondary stressors?

We are studying how crop plants can activate defenses against climate stressors through “priming”, and the cross-talk between abiotic and biotic defense pathways.

Overall, how do we design lower-input, healthier and more climate resilient crop production systems?